The Noble Quran
In the arms of an Angel
,,Islam is the perfect cradle to grow up in this life for Hereafter, because it is the ultimate God's decision for mankind." Rahmah
    Keep going on!

           My life was always a chain of dramas, if I want to express myself in a belletristic style, and a life full of hardships if I wanna remain on the route, but I always knew that there must be something good for me at the end of the road and that all I have to do is just to believe in God and keep going on.
Learning to be a righteous Muslim I found out from the begin of my journey that my style to ,,keep going on" it's actually a concept in Islam religion. Allah loves us all and obviously Allah wants only what's good for us and nothing bad, so whatever bad or evil reach us is only from ourselves. We have to accept our fate as it is written, but same time to be responsable for all the decisions we take in this life.
          In Islam when good reach us we say Alhamdulillah, which means ,,all the praises be to Allah"; and when bad touch us we must say astaghfirullah, which means ,,Allah forgive me". Having the heart full of submission towards whatever Allah wrote for us in this life and a full heart of repentance when we wrong ourselves, is the best way to keep going on. 
          Allah wa ta'ala say in the Holy Quran:
,, 79. Whatever of good reaches you, is from Allah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is from yourself. And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) as a Messenger to mankind, and Allah is Sufficient as a Witness." Quran 4:79
,, 30. And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. (See the Qur'an Verse 35:45).
31. And you cannot escape from Allah (i.e. His Punishment) in the earth, and besides Allah you have neither any Wali (guardian or a protector) nor any helper." Quran 42:30,31

written by Rahmah
drafting by Rahmah

                                                          Love by Grace

         I did not come in this world or I will leave it without Allah's power and will. I live and breathe through the raindrops – the seconds of my lifetime on this world written by Him. I survive to the anger of time, which passes without buthering to stop, not even for a second. I fight against my memory when its stubborns to steal from me the happy ones for leaving me the sad ones. I love myself when someone is happy thanks to my deeds and I hate myself when I forget to thank to the Only One by whose mercy I do exist so I can do all these.
In the middle of all and everything I wasn't brought to life to find out that there is a weakness in my faith, so, I do seek rest for my heart and refuge from all might harms me. There is only one special way to do this and to be successful 100% and that's Allah's remembrance.
          Is it me who invented this? Out of the question. It's Him, Allah who decreeded this in the Holy Quran.
          I exist by the power of Allah's love and that's love by grace.
,, Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. Quran: 13:28"

Written by Rahmah
Drafting by Rahmah

     Hell is for all humans

,,There is not one of you but will pass over it (Hell); this is with your Lord; a Decree which must be accomplished.
Then We shall save those who use to fear Allāh and were dutiful to Him. And We shall leave the Zālimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) therein (humbled) to their knees (in Hell).” (Quran , Maryam 19:71-72)
          No matter how scarring it looks like at the first sight with these verses Allah, Subhana wa ta’ala, makes a clear statement and that’s the reality that none of us is above sin in this life and this comes clearly from the Decree that none of us will be exempted from tasting the fire of Hell on the Day of Ressurrection. The human it is not perfect and Allah, the Creator knows it. Who dare to say that he is out of sins even he is arrogant even he is ignorant.
But in the next verse, The Merciful makes another statement that He will save those who were believers. Forgiveness is the key. Allah will have mercy on those who have mercy. Allah loves the one who love and will forgive the one who forgives.
        Mean while Hell is for all humans maybe we should sit down and think about something. We all have the right to make mistakes; it was clearly established before our creation, by the One who knows everything. So, why is so hard to forgive and forget? Obviously we will get what we give. That’s the rule and the Ruler is Allah. None of us can dispute it.
 written by Rahmah
drafting by Rahmah
              Someone’s watching over me!
,, And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).” Quran, 50:16
Through this ayat, Allah, SubhanAllah wa ta’ala makes a statement and underline same time the fact that He is our Creator and He knows us more than we will ever come to know. Allah knows before us what our minds utter, by His Knowledge.
,,Allah knows everything” is the message of this wonderful verse. Still, leaving a side the warning from Allah’s words, beyond the apparences, the real believer with a pure heart, love and trust in Allah, can feel the unmeasurable love of Allah for the creation of man, because this is what i understand my dear reader:
,,I know you! I hear you! I’M watching over you!
Trust me and nothing bad will come to you!”
Who can and who will ever love you, more than Allah? Can you tell me my dear reader?
written by Rahmah