.about Islam.
In the arms of an Angel
,,Islam is the perfect cradle to grow up in this life for Hereafter, because it is the ultimate God's decision for mankind." Rahmah
About Islam

All the praises be to Allah, the Sovereign and peace and blessings be upon the leader of all the messengers, Prophet Muhammad, and upon his beloved family and noble companions.
Islam's base consists in the testimony that: there is no other god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. This testimony must be made it by heart, tongue and facts. These represent the belief in the 6 Pillars of iman (faith) and in accomplishment of the 5 Pillars of Islam.
Indeed Islam is the seal of all the divine messages previously sent it by Allah, through the Last of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad, son of Abdullah (pbuh) and it is the true religion. No other religion Allah will ever accept. Islam religion has at base the monotheism. Its slogan is the truth, spinning around the justice, its support being the just and the essence the piety.
Islam is the great religion which guide the believers to the usefull things in their life and religion; which protects the believers from the useless in their life and religion; is the religion with wich Allah corrected the believes and nature and within the afterlife; reunites the separated hearts purifying them in the darkness of fals and guide them to the truth and the right way.
Is the strong and exact religion; is the height accuracy of all what brings to the attention and all of its rules. Islam informs only with what is true and correct; comes to judge with goodness and kindness through its perfect system of faith, worship acts and high moral standards and manners.
Translated by Rahmah
Source: Conveing Islamic Message Society
  Woman and Man - both Allah's creations

What Allah creates will die only by His Will and Power.
,,Woman was made from the rib of the man. She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped on. She was made from his side to be close to him; from beneath his arm to be protected by him and near his heart to be loved by him."
drafting by Rahmah
  The sixth Pillars of faith
Faith in Allah

1. Faith in Allah: - belief in sovereignity of Allah, believeing that Allah is the Owner, The Creator, The Ruler, and The Master of all exists.
2. Faith in Allah: - belief in the fact that Allah is the only One who must be worshipped and the fact that Allah is the One and all it is associated with Him is fals.
3. Faith in His Names and His atributes and the fact that Allah is the owner of the most beautiful and perfect names,and atributes like they are relevate in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.

Faith in Angels

The Angels are the noble slaves of Allah, who were created by Allah Almighty and all are obedient to Allah. Some of them have different mission. Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) had the mission to bring down the revelation from ALlah to the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh. Angel Mikaeel (Michael) is taking care of rain and vegetation. Angel Israfeel (Raphael) is the one who will blow the trumpet in the Day of Resurrection and angel Malak Al-Mout is the angel of death and he is the one who take the souls during death.

Faith in the Books

Allah the Almighty revelate to the prophets books with guidance. These are: Tauraahtul, which has been revealed to Moses and is one of the greatest books that ever been revealed to the Jews; the Injeel (Bible)which Allah the Almighty revealed to Jesus; Zabur (Psalmi) which Allah the Almighty revealed it to Dawood (David; Suhuf ( the Pergaments) which Allah the Almighty revealed to Ibraheem ( Abraham)and the last one is the Holy Quran which Allah the Almighty revealed to His Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, the seal of all the propeths. Allah annulled all the previous books through Quran granting that will be protected and will remain the proof of His Creation till the Day of Judgement.

Faith in Allah's Messengers

Allah has sent down to His creation messengers. First of them was Noah and the last was Muhammad, pbuh. Indeed all the Messengers of Allah for His creations were humans and without any kind of authority of being Rulers. They are the slaves from the slaves of Allah the Almighty who had to convey Allah's messages to the humans.

Faith in the Last Day

The Last Day it will be the day when Allah will bring to life the whole humanity after will perish for being judged by Him and rewarded with Paradise or punished with Hell. To believe in the Last Day means to believe in all that comes after death; in the torment of the graves and of course the rewards and the punishments.

Faith in Qadar (Destiny)

The belief in Qadar means to understand and believe that Allah has written all the events and made all possible, based on His all-knowing and wisdom. Allah is the One who predestinate and creat all and everything.

drafting & translation  by Rahmah
   Islam is what mankind needs!

With certainty there isn't goodness in excellent manners and behaviors without Islam lead to it and encourage the believers to it. And it isn't malice in excellent manners and behaviors without Islam prevent the believers against it and to forbided it. Without any doubt these matters comes to prove and underline the perfection and the beauty of Islam religion in all aspects.

Translated by Rahmah
Drafting by Rahmah
source : Conveing Islamic Message Society

The Divine Book 2/10
Jesus pbuh in the Quran
The Divine Book 1/10
Jesus pbuh in the Quran
The Divine Book 6/10 Amazing Human Embryology in the Quran
,,So don’t trust me—trust our Creator. Read the Quran, read books and study good websites. But whatever you do, get started, take it seriously, and pray for our Creator to guide you.

Your life may not depend on it, but your soul most definitely does."
quote from article ,,Why Islam" by Dr. Laurence B. Brown, MD

more about Dr. Laurence B. Brown in here:
